Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

18. Mai bis 29. Juli 2022
Andreas Christen, Joseph Egan, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Sylvia Plimack-Mangold, Fred Sandback, Richard Tuttle, Brice Marden

Der Formenreichtum und die Vielgestaltigkeit der Werke, die in dieser Präsentation in den Galerieräumen zusammengeführt werden, bestimmen das Bild, das die Schau vermittelt.

Es ist eine überschaubare Anzahl von sorgfältig ausgewählten Arbeiten. Einige Werke bestehen aus mehreren Elementen, die zur Einheit gefügt werden, bei anderen Werken sind es thematisch zusammenhängende Werkzyklen. In jedem Fall wird die Einheit aus der Mannigfaltigkeit gebildet. Dasselbe kann von der klar gegliederten Ausstellung gesagt werden.

So ist die Ausstellung gleichsam eine Metapher für die Art und Weise, wie das Profil der Galerie über die Jahrzehnte zustande gekommen ist. Dieses wird oftmals als eine unverbrüchliche Einheit wahrgenommen. Dies ist sicher insofern zutreffend, als das Jahr 1969, das den Anfang der Galerietätigkeit historisch exakt verortet, manche Kriterien, Anschauungen und Ideen geprägt hat.

Doch sind die sechziger Jahre kein beliebiger kunsthistorischer Ort und Schauplatz. Dass die weitere Wegstrecke keineswegs durch Gleichförmigkeit gekennzeichnet ist, verdankt sich der Relevanz der Werke und derjenigen der Künstlerinnen- und Künstlerpersönlichkeiten, die oftmals schon in den frühen Jahren, aber auch im weiteren Zeitverlauf zur Galerie gefunden haben.

Jedenfalls meinen wir, dass ein genaues Hinschauen den Vorrang der Mannigfaltigkeit eindeutig zu belegen vermag.


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Installation views

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 4

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Büroraum

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 1

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 1

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 1

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 1

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 2

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 2

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 2

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 3

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 3

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 3

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 4

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 4

 				Andreas Christen,  				Joseph Egan,  				Sol LeWitt,  				Robert Mangold,  				Sylvia Plimack-Mangold,  				Fred Sandback,  				Richard Tuttle,  				Brice Marden, Einheit Mannigfaltigkeit | Unity Diversity

Installation view Raum 4


Andreas Christen / Andreas Christen Untitled  2002  140 x 140 cm MDF, enameled white

Andreas Christen

140 x 140 cm
MDF, enameled white

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan December Dovecote  2020  30 x 26 x 9 cm various paints and wood on canvas

Joseph Egan
December Dovecote

30 x 26 x 9 cm
various paints and wood on canvas

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan October Dovecote  2020  31 x 27.5 x 7 cm various paints and wood on canvas

Joseph Egan
October Dovecote

31 x 27.5 x 7 cm
various paints and wood on canvas

Joseph Egan / Joseph Egan November Dovecote  2020 33 x 27.5 x 9 cm various paints and wood on canvas

Joseph Egan
November Dovecote

33 x 27.5 x 9 cm
various paints and wood on canvas

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations  1973 each: 69 x 53.8 cm etching portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt
Straight, not straight and broken lines in all horizontal combinations

each: 69 x 53.8 cm
portfolio of 7, ed. 24/25

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Diptych with Irregular Forms on Two Different Colors  1997 114.3 x 76.2 cm gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Diptych with Irregular Forms on Two Different Colors

114.3 x 76.2 cm
gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt / Sol LeWitt Diptych with Irregular Forms on Two Different Colors  1997 114.3 x 76.2 cm gouache on paper

Sol LeWitt
Diptych with Irregular Forms on Two Different Colors

114.3 x 76.2 cm
gouache on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Three Color Frame Painting  1985 92 x 81.3 cm acrylic and pencil on paper

Robert Mangold
Three Color Frame Painting

92 x 81.3 cm
acrylic and pencil on paper

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Manila Area  1966 122 x 122 cm oil, spray paint and pencil on masonite

Robert Mangold
Manila Area

122 x 122 cm
oil, spray paint and pencil on masonite

Robert Mangold / Robert Mangold Manila Area  1966 122 x 122 cm oil, spray paint and pencil on masonite

Robert Mangold
Manila Area

122 x 122 cm
oil, spray paint and pencil on masonite

Sylvia Plimack-Mangold / Sylvia Plimack Mangold Untitled  1977 51 x 51 cm pencil and acrylic on canvas

Sylvia Plimack Mangold

51 x 51 cm
pencil and acrylic on canvas

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled (Nr. 4)  1968 / 1983 61 x 334 x 61 cm mild steel rod (Volkswagen Oregonbeige L81D) intervals: 45 cm, 30 cm, 15 cm

Fred Sandback
Untitled (Nr. 4)

1968 / 1983
61 x 334 x 61 cm
mild steel rod
(Volkswagen Oregonbeige L81D)
intervals: 45 cm, 30 cm, 15 cm

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled (Nr. 4)  1968 / 1983 61 x 334 x 61 cm mild steel rod (Volkswagen Oregonbeige L81D) intervals: 45 cm, 30 cm, 15 cm

Fred Sandback
Untitled (Nr. 4)

1968 / 1983
61 x 334 x 61 cm
mild steel rod
(Volkswagen Oregonbeige L81D)
intervals: 45 cm, 30 cm, 15 cm

Fred Sandback / Fred Sandback Untitled  1998  7.8 x 20.8 x 1.5 cm acrylic on wood

Fred Sandback

7.8 x 20.8 x 1.5 cm
acrylic on wood

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20  1977 ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle
Untitled (Collage Drawings), 11-20

ten drawings, each: 35.6 x 27.9 cm
watercolor and paper on paper

Richard Tuttle / Richard Tuttle Waferboard 5  1996 40.6 x 121.9 cm acrylic on waferboard

Richard Tuttle
Waferboard 5

40.6 x 121.9 cm
acrylic on waferboard

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus I-V  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus I-V

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus I  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus I

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus II  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus II

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus III  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus III

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus IV  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus IV

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden / Brice Marden Focus V  1979  38.1 x 29.9 cm etching with aquatint portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75

Brice Marden
Focus V

38.1 x 29.9 cm
etching with aquatint
portfolio of 5, ed. 50/75